I thought of adding 'During a Pandemic' after the Ten Articles of faith.
These were developed during wartime by ancient Korean Martial Artists. Originally they were five. Grandmaster Hwang Kee expanded them to ten again during wartime hundreds of years later seeing how they can act as a guide to maintaining civility. order and growth during the chaos of war.
1. Be loyal to your country - During a Pandemic
As always each article goes both ways. Loyalty to your country for example should be reciprocated with the country's loyalty towards its citizens.
2. Be Obedient to your Parents - During a Pandemic
Now's not the time for family squabbles.
3. Be Loving between husband and wife - During a Pandemic
Being cooped up at home can strain any relationship or bring you closer.
4. Be Cooperative and Caring between siblings - During a Pandemic
Now's the time to deepen your relationship not waste it isolated in separate rooms playing video games etc. Talk to each other, play a board game together. Do something nice for each other.
5. Be Respectful to your Elders - During a Pandemic
Staying at home not just for yourself but to protect the weaker in health.
6. Be Faithful and Loyal to your Teacher - During a Pandemic
Are you training online? Are you supporting your studio if you can?
7. Be Faithful and Loyal to your Friends - During a Pandemic
Are you reaching out to your friends and seeing if they are o.k? are you asking for help if you are not o.k?
8. Face Conflict with Justice and Honor - During a Pandemic
Look at how things are becoming politicized or people fighting over toilet paper.
9. Never Retreat in Battle, don't give up! - During a Pandemic
Look at the brave people that are staying the line. Doctors, Nurses, EMT's, Supermarket workers all those working so we can have the things we need to survive.
10. Always Finish What you Start - During a Pandemic
Train online in your Martial arts classes. Reach out to people you haven't in a while. Finish things around the house you've been putting off.
The point here is if you recite these are you walking your talk now? It's easy to parrot these Articles during a class but when the rubber hits the road are you really applying them?
If so the world needs more people like you.
Keep training