Catskill Martial Arts Academy

Welcome to the Catskill Martial Arts Academy (CMAA,) Sullivan County’s only full time martial arts facility. We offer morning, afternoon and evening classes for all ages. CMAA provides traditional training in Korean, Japanese and Chinese martial arts systems. Our programs are designed to promote multifaceted growth beneficial to our child and adult students.
CMAA emphasizes Discipline and Courtesy as well as Character and Confidence. Mastery over the body and mind, Resistance to peer pressure and negative influences, Diffusing otherwise unapproachable situations in life; these are some of the values and skills CMAA strives to instill.
The Movements/Motions we teach help to develop Coordination and Focus, and increase Strength, Speed and Flexibility, all which increase Self-Confidence and the thirst to succeed. These things carry over into regular day to day living at Home, in School and even at Work.
Browse through the website and check out our programs and classes. Then give us a call to discuss what you are interested in. If you have questions, give us a call and we will be happy to assist you in what manner we can.
Donald Belsito Sr.
Grand Master Instructor
7th Degree Black Belt

Founder and Grand Master
Walter J. Belsito
Belsito Tang Soo Do Karate Association
Founder/Grand Master/Senior Advisor
10th Degree Black Belt
Belsito Martial Arts Association
Founder/Soke/Sifu-Yang Tai Chi Chuan

Grand Master
Donald E. Belsito Sr.
Grand Master Instructor 7th Degree Black Belt
American Tang Soo Do Union - Co-Founded
Moo Yeh Tang Tang Soo Do
Kwan Jang Nim/Sho Dai Soke/Sifu
Catskill Martial Arts Academy/Owner
Kwan Jang Nim/Sho Dai Soke/Sifu
Catskill Martial Arts Academy/Owner
Grand Master Belsito was born in Newburgh, NY in 1937. In 1959 he settled in Waterbury, where he would begin his journey into the martial arts. The first arts that peaked his interest was Judo and Jujutsu. Then in 1965 he commuted to NY to study Yoga under Edataryl Yohanin Sam-Ji in Maybrook, NY and Tai Chi under William Chen in NYC. In 1966 he began studying Moo Duk Kwan Tang Soo Do under instructor Robert Cheezic #2278 of The Cheezic Tang Soo Do Federation and later studied under Dr. Robert Beaudoin
#5657 Tang Soo Do would be the Martial Art that would lead him to his life long dedication. He first started teaching Tang Soo Do for the Police Athletic League (P.A.L.) in Waterbury, CT in 1970. In 1972 he was promoted to black belt by Jae Chul Shin #698 who also promoted Robert Cheezic, Robert Beaudoin and action movie star Chuck Norris. His registration number is #17029, A member of The Korean Tang Soo Do Association, issued by president and founder of the Moo Duk Kwan Tang Soo Do Association Hwang Kee. In the fall of 1972 he opened the first full time Tang Soo Do School in Waterbury, CT, “The Waterbury Karate Institute,” teaching Karate, Tai Chi, Yoga and Weapons. In addition to running the two programs Mr. Belsito and his students did demonstrations and competed in karate tournaments up and down the east coast of New England.
Being a student of the oriental culture he has a working knowledge of Chinese, Korean and Japanese languages. He was one of the first Americans to translate the Korean bible of Tang Soo Do “Soo Bahk Do Dae Kham”, written by Grandmaster Hwang Kee. Most of the information in the book did not become available to the general public until the early 1990’s. He was one of the first to teach the higher forms including the 20th “Tai Chi Chuan." In 1998 he was
awarded his sokeship
in his style of martial arts and he co-founded the Korean Karate Masters Association with Masters Donald Belsito, Raphael Velez, and Robert Gelinas. Grandmaster Belsito has been an inspiration to all of his students and instructors because of his kindness, professionalism and knowledge of martial arts history. Not being interested in making money or becoming famous, at one time he instructed children in his backyard for fifty cents a lesson. He wanted to share with others the true knowledge and traditions of Tang Soo Do. For more than 40 years he has trained and promoted over a thousand individuals, ages ranging from 4 years to adult. On September 20, 2004 Grandmaster Belsito named Master Donald Belsito Sr. Head of the Belsito Tang Soo Do Karate Association. On January 21, 2006 Hanshi Robert Gelinas and a Master panel were on hand to attest to the Pioneer Award sponsored by the Gelinas Martial Arts System International awarded to Grandmaster Belsito for his contributions in the Martial Arts for the last forty years,primarily in the Korean Martial Art art of Tang Soo Do and the Chinese Martial Art of Tai Chi Chuan. The Belsito Tang Soo Do Karate Association gave Honors to Grand Master Walter J. Belsito Sr. On Sunday September 18, 2011 in Hurleyville, NY. Grand Master Belsito was honored with a Lifetime achievement award and a Legend award for dedicating over 40 years of his life to the Martial Arts.Grand Master Belsito started his martial arts training in Moo Duk Kwan Tang Soo Do under the tutelage of his father Walter Belsito Sr. In 1971. He has been training, studying and researching in the martial arts for many years. He has taught over a thousand students and promoted students to black belt and at the master black belt level. Mr. Belsito has done demonstrations, seminars and summer camps on Weapons, Jujutsu, Ninjutsu and Tang Soo Do throughout New England. He competed in the Professional Karate League (P.K.L.) and was rated in sparring, forms, and weapons.
1990 Member of the USA Intersport Karate Team, Russia, Poland, and Amsterdam.
Over the years Grand Master Belsito has had the pleasure of studying with many Instructors, Masters and Grandmasters of many different Martial Arts
systems and styles.His two main Instructors in the art of Tang Soo Do were Grandmaster Walter Belsito Sr. & Grandmaster Robert Cheezic.
The Arts trained in over the last Forty yearsAikido, Aikijujutsu, Hapkido, Judo, Jujitsu, Kajukido, Kali, Kempo,Pai Lum White Dragon, Shotokan, Tae Kwon Do, Tang Soo Do,Wing Cuan, Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan and Ninjutsu,
Holder of several Different Black Belts
In addition to teaching Mr. Belsito produced his own TV program kickin it for two years on public access. September 20, 2004 Designated - Shodai Soke/Inheiriter - Belsito Tang Soo Do Karate Association.
Grand Master Belsito's Instructors have been as follows:
Grand Master Walter Belsito Sr.-Tang Soo Do/Tai Chi Chuan
Grand Master Robert Gordon-Judo/Jujitsu
Grand Master Robert Gordon-Judo/Jujitsu
Grand Master Robert Cheezic-Tang Soo Do
Shawn Cole-Brazilian Jui Jitsu
Shawn Cole-Brazilian Jui Jitsu
Donald E. Belsito Sr.
Over 40 yrs experience in the Martial Arts
Grand Master Tang Soo Do Karate, 7th Degree
Jujitsu, 4th Degree
Judo, 3rd Degree
Instructor, Yang 24 Tai Chi Chuan

Craig Hazelnis - Instructor
3rd Degree Dan Tang Soo Do
3rd Degree Dan Tae Kwon Do
2nd Degree Dan Tang Soo Do

Edwin Morales - Instructor
3ND Degree Tang Soo Do
Demo Team Co-Captainnatalie moore - assistant Instructor